Ekspedisi Perbatasan

Sunday, February 21, 2021

Structure and Borderwork

 Combination function between 'State' and "individual choice' in border. According to Ferdoush (2018:5):

"Both state mechanisms and individual agents shape the characteristics of the border in South Asia by their own ways. Individual agents, based on their socio-political backgrounds, economic conditions, and cultural factors, reflect back on the border and bordering practices. In so doing, they either reproduce, partially reproduce, or refuse to reproduce the established rules of bordering. Such reflexive agents influence state mechanisms and state officials who, in turn, reflect back and influence the individual behavior, established rules and resources, and the border itself. As a result, borders in South Asia keep evolving."

source: click here

Thursday, February 18, 2021

Border Crossing

 Another theme in border studies...try to read and getting inside..

According to Tapia (2017: )

"The scientific production on borders, border regions, and cross-border regions or spaces is increasing. Within this development, the concern of different disciplines enriches the analysis and, simultaneously, opens up new theoretical and methodological challenges. On one hand, any study on borders must incorporate several perspectives and disciplines, rendering transdisciplinarity essential to understand what is happening. However, we posit that including national and regional history is key to understanding the context and the changes in the notion of the border in its history. Incorporating long-term analysis makes it possible to understand the resurgence or revival of nationalism and the processes of hardening and closing of borders."

Wednesday, February 17, 2021


 Who create the thinking and why?

According to Lucy Mayblin:

‘Border thinking’ comes from decolonial theory. The concept
was first used by Gloria Anzaldúa in her book ‘Borderlands/La
Frontera: The New Mestiza’ and has subsequently been developed
by decolonial thinkers, most prominently Walter Mignolo. It is
based on the idea that the theoretical and the epistemic must
have a lived dimension to them, and that theories already
exist which sit at the very borders (if not outside of) of the
colonial matrix of power. ‘Lived’ here is in the sense of the
experiences of those who have been excluded from the
production of knowledge by modernity. 
Border thinking does not
happen irrespective of modernity but in response to it, as
part of real life struggles against the oppressive apparatus
of the colonial matrix of power. 
Thus, “border thinking is the epistemology of the exteriority; that is, of the outside created from the inside” (Mignolo & Tlostanova, 2006:206)

Mignolo and Tlostanova (2006:214) cited by Lucy Mayblin:

" The border is defined by epistemic difference and geographical
distance. Mignolo and Tlostanova (2006:214) write:
“Consider, on the one hand, knowledge in the modern and
imperial European languages and – on the other hand –
Russian, Arabic and Mandarin. The difference here is
imperial. However, they are not just different. In the
modern/ colonial unconscious, they belong to different
epistemic ranks. ‘Modern’ science, philosophy, and the social
sciences are not grounded in Russian, Chinese and Arabic
languages. That of course does not mean that there is no
thinking going on or knowledge produced in Russian, Chinese
and Arabic. It means, on the contrary, that in the global
distribution of intellectual and scientific labour, knowledge
produced in English, French or German does not need to take
into account knowledge in Russian, Chinese and Arabic”

Based on that, the development of BORDER THINKING must come from outside as mention by Lucy Mayblin:

"Border thinking, then, is thinking from the outside, using alternative knowledge traditions and alternative languages of expression. Examples of border thinking might include Islamic philosophical and scientific thought or First Nation
epistemological traditions. Examples of the enactment of border thinking might include the Haitian revolution and the more contemporary World Social Forum. These alternative perspectives introduce other cosmologies into the hegemonic
discourse of Western modernity which are not unwittingly committed to, or restrained by, it’s frame."

Sunday, February 14, 2021

Misperception on Borders

 Tension between people about border which different location and situation.

Irwansyah (2013:5) concluded :

"Debates, disputes, and conflicts about the border area between Indonesia and Malaysia are mostly triggered by mass media and then extended into new media such as online community forums. 

Mass media quotes statements from any sources or news makers, including people or representatives of institutions that do not understand the real situation in the border area. Although many of these sources may think about sovereignty, they are often not available to listen to the local people and to assist with their needs. 

Similar to the members of the online community forums from both Indonesia and Malaysia, they express their voices, ideas, opinions, and comments without thinking about the voices of the people in the border area. Both mass media and members of online community forums only respond to the issues concerning the border, including border poles and the military located at the border, attacking and defending without any accurate knowledge of what is occurring in the real field of the border area. Therefore, misperception will become more complicated because the users have no real information about the situation and life in the border area."

Full article Click HERE

Friday, February 12, 2021

Border Conflict

 Back in 1960s, when the formation of Malaysia in Kalabakan 30 km from the border:

East Brigade was form to secure the peace.

Wednesday, February 10, 2021

Text Book Border

 An introduction to Border Studies

Section 1. Border studies as an interdisciplinary field of knowledge
1.1 A historical view on the study of borders, (Jussi P. Laine) 14
1.2 Theoretical approaches in the study of borders (Vladimir A. Kolosov) 33

Section 2. Concepts and problems of border studies
2.1 Boundary as an ontological and anthropological category (Sergei E. Yachin) 62
2.2 Symbolic boundaries of social systems (Anatolii M. Kuznetsov) 80
2.3 State border (Anton A. Kireev) 98
2.4 Transborder relations (Alexander A. Zyikov and Sergei V. Sevastianov) 118
2.5 Border and transborder regions (Sergei K. Pestsov) 139
2.6 Border and transborder policies (Anton A. Kireev and Sergei A. Ivanov) 155

Section 3. Modern borders: condition, performance, management
3.1 State borders in Europe, (Cathal McCall) 180
3.2 State borders in the post-Soviet space, (Vladimir A. Kolosov and Alexander B. Sebentsov) 198
3.3 State borders in Asia, (Akihiro Iwashita and Edward Boyle) 226
3.4 State borders in North America, (Bruno Dupeyron) 245
3.5 State borders in South America (Adriana Dorfman, Arthur Borba Colen França, Marla Barbosa Assumpção) 265
3.6 State borders in Africa(Lindsay Scorgie-Porter) 284
3.7 State borders in Australia and Oceania (Anton A. Kireev) 305
3.8 State borders in the Arctic and Antarctic (Ivan N. Zolotukhin) 320

Tuesday, February 9, 2021

Theory-Building in Border Studies

 The varieties and differences found in the borders need to be explain in the different way. Just read the article about the view from North America, according to Payan (2014) they are two problem need to be address for theory building which are:

"The problem of theory-construction in border studies is likely two-fold. First, it is a structural problem endogenous to the discipline itself, which has to do with its multidisciplinary nature and geographical dispersion. It is important to draw attention to this structural issue because the proposed solution – paying attention to method – requires more collective research efforts, as will be explained. Second, and most importantly, it is a problem of methodology as border scholarship could benefit greatly from examining its methodological approaches in order to leverage them for theory-building.

The two problems of border theorizing have now turned into important blocks that impede theoretical work. Although these may not be the only problems, resolving them would take border theorizing a long way. Let us dissect each of these two issues separately."

Source:  Payan. T (2014),Theory-Building in Border Studies: The View from North America;  Eurasia Border Review 

and some of the process include our team for creating effort and expedition:

border of MALINDO in Sebatik Island (taken on August 2019)

Monday, February 8, 2021

Sabah Border Scout :1962-1966

 Sabah Border Scouts atau Polis Pengakap Sempadan Sabah ditubuhkan khas sebagai satu Unit Tentera semasa berlaku perang konfrontasi Indonesia-Malaysia pada tahun 1962-1966.

 Pasukan ini adalah satu Pasukan Tentera Tempatan yang digabungkan dengan pasukan Tentera British dan Pasukan Gurkha daripada India untuk mempertahankan salah satu daripada serangan tentera Indonesia. Kemudian Border Scouts bekerjsama dengan satu pasukan lagi yang dipanggil Intelegen iaitu pasukan yang bertugas di dalam kampung sendiri.

(Sumber: Klik Sini)

Sunday, February 7, 2021

Border Studies Center

 The creating of center for research had been practice around the world. Let's visit some of the center.

1. IBRU: Centre for Borders Research

Through research, consultancy and training, IBRU seeks to facilitate enhanced understanding of border areas, contribute to the peaceful resolution of boundary disputes, and engage with broader geographic questions concerning the changing nature of sovereignty, territory, citizenship, and the political organisation of space.

IBRU is part of the Geography Department at Durham University.

Department of Geography
Durham University
United Kingdom

Tel: +44 (0)191 334 1965
Fax: +44 (0)191 334 1962
Email: ibru@durham.ac.uk

CIBR promotes research activity on international borders, organises conference and seminar events, and hosts a refereed, electronic working paper series.
CIBR is also in the process of forging links with other research institutions internationally, including with the Association of Borderlands Studies (ABS) with whom it maintains an extensive bibliography on borders.

Queens University Belfast
University Road, Belfast
Northern Ireland, BT7 1NN
+44 (0)28 9024 5133

Saturday, February 6, 2021

Welcome to KBS

 We just started our commitment.

Welcome and we wait for you suggestion

why Border?

we are plan to response based on time:

17.3, 16.6, 15.9, and 15.12.2021

Let's Move On

2nd Anniversary

 Back to 2 years before, but now with the better road and facilities, the adventure will not same anymore. Credit: eko @ orang malas we then...


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